Panasonic TX-32A400E - telewizor

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Opis produktu
Panasonic TX-32A400E to jeden z najtańszych telewizorów o wielkości 32 cali, wśród tegorocznych modeli. Odznacza się przede wszystkim rozdzielczością HD Ready oraz brakiem funkcji sieciowych.
Dane podstawowe
Model na rok 2014
Seria TX-32A400E
Technologia 3D brak
Zakrzywiony ekran brak
Smart TV brak
Wymiary i waga z podstawą 727 x 464 x 194 mm, 5 kg
Wymiary i waga bez podstawy 727 x 432 x 67 mm, 5 kg
Rodzaj ekranu LED
Przekątna ekranu [cale] 32
Rozdzielczość 1366 x 768
Odświeżanie [Hz] 100
Dodatkowe technologie Clear Panel, Content Optimiser
System dźwięku przestrzennego TAK
Moc głośników [W] 2 x 5
Liczba głośników 2
Dodatkowe technologie Dolby Digital Plus, dts 2.0 + Digial out
Ethernet brak
Wejście komponentowe 1
Wejście PC VGA brak
Cyfrowe wyjście optyczne 1
Cyfrowe wyjście koaksjalne brak
Złącze CI 1
Wyjście słuchawkowe 1
Klasa energetyczna
Pobór mocy (tryb włączenia) [W] 30
Pobór mocy (tryb czuwania) [W] 0,3
Pobór mocy (max) [W] 45
Roczne zużycie energii [kWh] 44
Zasilanie 230 V AC 50 Hz

Porównaj ceny w: w Sprawdź w : Orange  

Komentarze i opinie Panasonic TX-32A400E

MVaSZ3DbG 26 marca 2015, z IP:
At the time of this review I have the ltsaet firmware (version BD7.341.00).The BP620 is LG's 2012 blu-ray player model that replaces the LG BD670 from the 2011 lineup. The new 2012 BP620 model comes in at the same physical size as last years. I personally like the build quality of the player compared to the 2012 Sony BDP-S390 model, which while smaller feels very cheap.The user interface is virtually identical to last year's model. At times last year's BD670 model suffered from delay reaction to the remote control. This is not the case with this year's model. The exception to this is during the first 20 seconds of the player booting up (turning on).In terms of blu-ray playback quality, it is up to par compared to all sub-$180 players on the market today. The disc load times have improved on the model compared to last year's LG BD670. DVD up-scaling to 1080p is well done on the BP620 too. One feature missing across all video playback formats is the zoom feature. While I never really took advantage of zooming in on my video, I know of some people who will miss it.The included remote control is almost exactly the same as the model included with last year's BD670. The big difference is the lack of the marker, search and zoom buttons neat the bottom. These three buttons have been replaced with a music id button to have the player access GraceNote for disc info and a dedicated Audio button to switch audio tracks. This was a button last year's model did not have. Before you had to hit the Info button and scroll down to audio and then toggle to the desired track. A dedicated subtitle button has also been added to the remote.Compared to the 2012 Sony blu-ray players, this LG streams a lot of video file formats from my local network: AVI, DIVX, XVID, MKV, MP4, MPEG-1, MPEG-2 & more. The Sony BDP-390 would not see or play any of my video files. This LG sees and plays them all. The one thing I miss is the search function that the LG LD670 had. It made fast forwa
jUgDlLvx4dSl 22 marca 2015, z IP:
картинка GX2 Mockup design made by 43rumors reaedr Mike (Thanks!). , а не всплыла :) а так, встроенный EVF был бы к месту, конечно
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