Samsung UE65HU8200 - telewizor

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Opis produktu
Samsung UE65HU8200 to kolejny z telewizorów o rozdzielczości Ultra HD. Wykorzystujący tryb aktywnego 3D odznacza się dodatkowo zakrzywionym ekranem (Curved.
Dane podstawowe
Model na rok 2014
Seria UE65HU8200
Technologia 3D TAK, aktywna
Zakrzywiony ekran TAK
Smart TV TAK
Wymiary i waga z podstawą 1450 x 888 x 306 mm, 30 kg
Wymiary i waga bez podstawy 1450 x 840 x 111 mm, 26 kg
Rodzaj ekranu LED
Przekątna ekranu [cale] 65
Rozdzielczość 3840 x 2160
Odświeżanie [Hz] 1000
Dodatkowe technologie Micro Dimming UHD, System Quadmatic, Wide Color Enhancer Plus, Ultra Clear Panel
System dźwięku przestrzennego TAK, SRS DNSe+
Moc głośników [W] 4x15
Liczba głośników 4
Dodatkowe technologie 3D Sound, AVL, wbudowany głośnik niskotonowy, Dolby MS11, DTS Premium Sound 5.1
Ethernet 1
Wejście PC VGA brak
Cyfrowe wyjście optyczne 1
Cyfrowe wyjście koaksjalne brak
Złącze CI 1
Wyjście słuchawkowe brak
Klasa energetyczna
Pobór mocy (tryb włączenia) [W] 136
Pobór mocy (tryb czuwania) [W] 0,3
Pobór mocy (max) [W] brak
Roczne zużycie energii [kWh] 189
Zasilanie 220 - 240 V 50/60 Hz
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Komentarze i opinie Samsung UE65HU8200

nz7Ucpp8ivZj 22 marca 2015, z IP:
240 Hz is mostly fciiton. ? LCD screens do so because the struggle LCD to change fast enough to f? action films R. It is a fa? We tell the consumer that the TV action movie plays really well. The only thing that means that the 240 Hz TV it-m? Me. The films are shot? S of the other c t? ? The 24 Hz single fa? We go to them? 240 Hz? Be used? interpolation for g? n? rer k? 9 artificially frames not between the world r? El is. ? Was not worth ensuring that your nicht.Nicht only is there no mate? Equipment that works? The 240 Hz?, No Mati? Re? 120 Hz 1080p 60Hz, w? Then m? Was it like, I do not think of anything that does not know. Programs? the t?? s vision is diffused? s or 1080i 60 fields. This r? Solution is not worse than covering something other than your own? LCD screen, the two H? Half? S frame, then the int? Grate before posting. So, w? While your signal is 1080i, 1080p you have the f? For the ad. T hei, it takes 60 fields or 30 frames out of it. This applies? both? R plasma and LCD. ? some? guard, he is ready? f? Saddle then your Blu-ray it has over six frames per second. However, it? Wheat and satellite compress both the divorce? E Filmen.Die signal much more than Blu-ray is the r? Response tr? S short, sure? not on k?.
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